Designated Home care Physiotherapy

The demand for health independence programs is increasing with more emphasis being placed on community treatment options due to the pressure on our health services. The Physio Crew offer a default pathway to Post Acute Care IF the Primary Health Service is at critical limit, and to clients discharging from Hospitals where PAC services are not available.

Our senior Physiotherapist, Tanya Reid, leads the team at the Physio Crew in providing home-based Physiotherapy services. She brings an interest in the delivery of:

·         Post-Acute Care when that specific need cannot be met by the Public Health service within an acceptable period.

Our goal is to ensure that our clients continue to achieve their:


·         Independence goals / post-surgical expected outcomes and optimise their ability to return to and/or function within the community upon discharge from hospital.

Continuing to work at Austin Health within the Orthopaedic Unit, Tanya, brings experience to the discharge and community care planning of a variety of orthopaedic patient conditions. She understands the importance of timely service delivery to achieve a seamless and safe transition home as well as achievement of patient centred goals after hospital discharge.

Combining acute inpatient work with private and community service delivery, Tanya is able to effectively bridge the gap in care should this arise. The Physio Crew believe in the promotion of Health Independence and work collaboratively with our clients, their families/carers and care team. 

We service patients at home through private billings, NDIS and MY AGED care programs. 

Too book in a consultation with our home physiotherapist please contact the clinic on 9116 8691

Shoulder exercises